Password-based Access

Using the Openscapes 2i2c Hub in a workshop using a shared password

If you are hosting a workshop that has a large number of participants, especially if workflows with GitHub are not part of the teaching curriculum, use the “shared password” access. This access method allows the instructors to share a single password with learners at the start of the workshop which they can use to log on the the Hub. Note that while this access method is nicely streamlined for workshop leads and participants, Hub admins do not have any way to contact the people added to the Hub. Thus, participants with this method are only allowed to stay in the Hub f or one week before being removed.

  • Check with the primary contact for your hub to ensure that the Hub image has the packages you need
  • Reach out to 2i2c a month in advance via an email to support at (example below) to tell them about the workshop date, start and end times, # of participants, and anticipated level of resources to be used. Also tell them that you would like to use the shared password hub, and provide a desired password.


The LP DAAC and Openscapes have an upcoming event where we are planning to use the Openscapes Hub. Here’s the main information:

The GitHub handle or name of the community representative: [github username],
The date when the event will start: July 7, 2024
The date when the event will end: July ​7, 2024
What hours of the day will participants be active? 1:00pm - 5pm EEST (Athens, Greece).
Number of attendees: ~40
Resources per user: 14.8GB RAM / up to 3.7 CPU
The URL of the hub that will be used for the event:
Access method: shared password
Password choice: [YouChooseAPassword]

Thank you!


Tell your learners that they will be able to access the Hub using the shared password for one week following the workshop, after which the password will be changed and the their home directories inside the Hub will be removed.

One week after the workshop, send another email to support at and request that the password be reset and users’ home directories from the workshop be removed.

Workshop Hub Access via GitHub Teams

If you are hosting a workshop with where you will be teaching GitHub workflows, and/or have learners who require longer-term access to the Hub after the workshop, follow the instructions to add participants to the 2i2c Hub via a GitHub Team.